Improve Your Credit Score

What Makes up a Credit Score

Payment History – 35%
  • Bills paid as agreed on time
  • Most weight placed on largest monthly payments
Balances Carried – 30%
  • Keep total outstanding balance below 30% of your total available credit limit
  • Example: Total outstanding balance $3,000 / Total credit limit $10,000 = 30%
Credit History – 15%
  • Longer credit history = higher credit score
  • Never close credit accounts as it shortens credit history
Mix of Accounts – 10%

  • Ideal to have installment and revolving accounts
  • Example: mortgage, home equity, auto, personal loans and credit cards
Inquiries – 10%
  • Each inquiry averages 5 point deduction
  • Multiple inquiries when shopping around for mortgage and auto loan rates count as only 1 inquiry if within 45 days